Fortuna offer different types of copper for your stamping project. Common copper uses include:

  • Electronics
  • Medical
  • Automotive
  • Hardware


Except copper, we also provide brass/beryllium copper/ phosphor bronze/nickel silver stamping materials. Copper, brass and bronze may look the same initially but are actually quite different.

• Copper: Copper is used in a wide range of products due to its excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, good strength and resistance to corrosion. Common type is C1100.

• Brass: Brass is mainly an alloy that consisits of copper with zinc added. Brass can have varying amounts of zinc or other elements added. Common type is C2680/C2600

• Bronze: Bronze is an alloy that consists primarily of copper with the addition of other ingredients.

• Other copper alloy: Nickel Silver or nickel brass, like C7521/C7701. Phosphor bronze or tin bronze like C5191/C5210. Beryllium copper like C1720.


Copper is a nonferrous metal, closely related to gold and silver. It has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, it offers high tensile strength, high deformation resistance. I t is used widely in various electrical and electronic devices, and in the automobile and energy transmission areas. Copper stamping strips are commonly used in electrical and electronic equipment connectors and semiconductor lead frames, etc.